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MyMedicalJournal: Usability Tests
We conducted four separate usability tests using our high-fidelity prototype. Some of the usability tests were conducted in-person, while others were conducted remotely.
Usability Test 1: Athira

Overall Impression: “I like this app. I can see myself using it in the future, since it provides an easy way to refer to all of my health information quickly.”



  • Process was clear and simple

  • I like how it was one step at a time

  • Home screen: not sure what the calendar is about, are appointments supposed to show up on the calendar? 

  • I like the fact that it tells me to take this medication right on the homepage


Future work for Onboarding:

  • Perhaps add messaging that the calendar will show upcoming appointments on the home screen

  • A tutorial that shows up the first time a user completes onboarding that explains the features on the home screen could be useful



  • I like the little icons next to each appointment

  • Creating a new appointment: clicking on healthcare provider: didn’t know to hit “back” 

  • I thought creating a new appointment was overall pretty easy, it gave me a lot of options to put reminders for the appointments, which I like

  • For the recurring appointments though, how can I have both x times AND an end date? Shouldn’t it be one or the other? 


Future work for Appointments:

  • Add a “confirm” button on the top right after the healthcare provider is chosen when creating a new appointment

  • Change the recurring options to choose between an end date OR number of recurrences/times



  • Why is there a calendar for prescriptions? 

  • I don’t understand the colors for these different medications; why is Keflex in red, but Ibuprofen in blue?

  • It wasn’t easy/intuitive to find how to mark a prescription as taken 

  • I like the “current prescriptions” page - I like how it says all of the info, like which doctor prescribed it

    • Although I feel like it would be useful to have a picture of the pill 


Future work for Appointments:

  • Remove calendar from prescriptions screen

  • Perhaps distinguish between the medications in a way other than using colors; maybe with shadows/lines so that it doesn’t imply that the colors have a certain meaning

  • Find a way for users to easily check off a prescription as taken/skipped; maybe an icon or checkbox on each prescription card

  • Have the ability to upload image of the pill / maybe search for the medication in a database that already has the image


Family profiles:

  • I liked the family profiles screens because they were similar to the process I went through in onboarding

    • So this reminded me of that, making it easy to understand


Future work for Family profiles:

  • N/A

Usability Test 2: Vanny

Overall impression:

  • “This is actually very good. It’s better than the Wegmans app. The Wegmans app was trying too hard to be clever and it made it hard for me to use. This app looks and feels very standard. There’s nothing where I’m like ‘what does that mean.’ I don’t need my functional apps to reinvent the wheel. I just need it to be functional.”

  • “Maybe add a section for medical insurance?” 

    • “Is that a feature you’d like to see?”

    • “I mean, if I’m already keeping track of everything here.”


Future work:

  • “Is my calendar on the home page for appointments, prescriptions, or both?”  

  • “Where can I go to access my health care providers? Do I have to add or edit appointments to do that?”



  • “I feel like the onboarding experience and organization of the app is very logical.”

  • “In what way?”

  • “In that I first set up my health team, then appointments, then prescriptions, then family profiles” 


Future work: n/a



  • “These underlines on the calendar, are these my appointments? Oh, they are.” 


Future work: 

  • “I think it would make more sense for the color legend to have red (high priority first), then medium, then low.”

  • “I can tell the difference between green and blue on the color legend, but not very much on the calendar since the lines are so small.’ 



  • “Why are there colors for different prescriptions? Are these also priority levels? Don’t I have to take them all?” 

  • “I like that I can see prescriptions that I’ve already taken at the top and I like that I can un-take prescriptions in case that was a mistake” 


Future work:

  • Perhaps reconsider the priority system for prescriptions 


Family profiles:

  • After going to the sub member’s profile “How do I get back to mine? Oh I see. This app is pretty intuitive.” 


Future work:

  • Create a way to get back to the main profile more clearly and easily from each sub profile versus going back to the family tab each time. 

Usability Test 3: Sharon

Overall Impression: 

  • I hope that I don’t have to input everything manually. I would like to import data from my device.

  • It would be great if I can connect with different accounts. (For family feature)



  • I think it's easy to use and understand.


Future work for Onboarding:

  • It would be nice if I could import my doctor contacts from my phone.



  • Is it necessary to set priorities? How many doctor appointments do a person have? I would probably just use the default value. I don’t see why we need priority levels.

  • Hard to distinguish the green and blue, especially in the calendars when the mark is small.

  • Do the colors mean anything in doctors?


Future work for Appointments:

  • I hope the calendar syncs with the main calendar that I use..



  • Color coding, what’s the difference between blue and grey title?

  • Bug: When marking meds taken, it should only display past times.

  • Colors! The colors are the same with the priority color codings in appointment, but in prescription, the colors are used for distinguishing different meds.


Future work for Appointments:

  • New feature: How many meds do I need today?

  • Completed medication moved to the bottom of the page.


Family profiles:

  • Older children probably wouldn’t want to be tracked by their parents.

  • Seniors probably wouldn’t want to keep records for themselves.

  • It would be nice for parents to check up if their children take their meds.


Future work for Family profiles:

  • I would like a place to take notes of my symptoms

Usability Test 4: Vincent


  • Even though I can skip most of the data input on onboarding pages, I feel more intuitive to do that after onboarding


Future work for Onboarding: N/A



  • There are so many colors on the appointment page, which is kinda overwhelming.

  • On the ‘Healthcare Provider’ page, it’s kinda weird to see the radio box used on the smartphone screen. They are usually used on the computer.


Future work for Appointments:

  • I would like to make my appointment through this app, not just record it.



  • After clicking on today’s prescription, I can skip, take, or reschedule the prescription. If I click ‘take’,  I can choose to take it now or set a time. However, since I have already set the time for prescription and also have another option to reschedule it, I don’t understand why I still need to set a time for the prescription after I choose to take it.


Future work for Appointments: N/A


Family profiles:

  • For sub-member pages, do they share the same menu bar with the primary user?

  • Even though it’s a good feature to manage the health information for your family, it’s still kinda weird to do that due to the privacy issue.


Future work for Family profiles: N/A

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